Mission Statement
Northeastern Elementary School staff will teach our students to be responsible, respectful, and life-long learners.
Vision Statement
The Northeastern staff strives to become an exemplary learning community by fostering each child's academic growth and character development. We commit to a culture for learning in which staff, parents, and students have a shared responsibility in education. Through a collaborative approach, we will improve instruction while using technology effectively.
Northeastern Elementary School Values
1. We will maintain a positive school culture and environment through dedication, enthusiasm and open-mindedness by:
■ using established routines in all facets of the school
■ speaking with a positive tone of voice - no negativity
■ not using sarcasm towards staff and/or students
■ allowing for mistakes
2. We will be committed to having high academic standards for all students by:
■ teaching required grade-level curriculum
■ using frequent checks for understanding and using those results for re-teaching and enrichment
■ implementing research-based best teaching practices with well executed routines
■ consistently using building-wide initiatives in all classrooms (math facts, reading logs, etc.)
3. We will be a collaborative staff by:
■ consistently meeting in and between grade-levels as well as with specials teachers
■ using current and relevant data to drive grade-level discussions and lesson development
Northeastern Elementary School staff will teach our students to be responsible, respectful, and life-long learners.
Vision Statement
The Northeastern staff strives to become an exemplary learning community by fostering each child's academic growth and character development. We commit to a culture for learning in which staff, parents, and students have a shared responsibility in education. Through a collaborative approach, we will improve instruction while using technology effectively.
Northeastern Elementary School Values
1. We will maintain a positive school culture and environment through dedication, enthusiasm and open-mindedness by:
■ using established routines in all facets of the school
■ speaking with a positive tone of voice - no negativity
■ not using sarcasm towards staff and/or students
■ allowing for mistakes
2. We will be committed to having high academic standards for all students by:
■ teaching required grade-level curriculum
■ using frequent checks for understanding and using those results for re-teaching and enrichment
■ implementing research-based best teaching practices with well executed routines
■ consistently using building-wide initiatives in all classrooms (math facts, reading logs, etc.)
3. We will be a collaborative staff by:
■ consistently meeting in and between grade-levels as well as with specials teachers
■ using current and relevant data to drive grade-level discussions and lesson development